How to Use Ellii Polls
Ellii Polls are interactive group activities. Your students will use their own devices to participate. These ready-made sessions can be used as warm-up activities and may spark further exploration of a topic.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Log in to your account here:
Step 1
Click on Materials and select Ellii Polls from the drop-down menu.
Step 2
You can select a category to help you narrow down the topics.
Step 3
Select a poll from the list by clicking on it.
Step 4
You can begin the poll by clicking on Start poll.
Step 5
You can also preview the poll by scrolling further down the page.
Step 6
After clicking Start poll, you will be presented with a QR code that students can scan with their mobile devices to take them to the poll as well as a website address and a code (for students are using a laptop/PC).
Step 7
The number denotes how many students in total are in the poll.
Step 8
Your students' names will appear here.
Step 8
Once all your students have joined, click Start.
Step 9
The next screen will show you the question. Click Continue to start the poll.
Step 10
You will see the results of the polls in real-time. Click Stop and discuss to stop the current poll and facilitate time for discussion.
Step 11
When ready, click the forward-facing arrow to move on to the next question.
Step 12
At the end of the polls, you will see related materials that you can explore.
You can also leave feedback for our developers.
Step 13
To do another poll topic, click on Back to Ellii Polls.
Please contact us if you have any questions or feedback regarding Ellii Polls!